Still Kicking...just not as high
2006-01-19 - 7:27 a.m.

Well, when last we left our heroine...

Yes, I know it has been a very long time since my last update. My life has been extremely busy with the hospital move with the added burden of recovery on the injury. Fastest catch up is bullets.

Fell, tore hamstring and sprained my sacro-ileac joint. 2 weeks crutches then about six weeks with a cane.

Thanksgiving at the beach on crutches. Not quite as relaxing as usual but an opportunity to be with "us four" and away from the stressors at work. Lovely.

Transition training....employee groups four to six times a day...every day. Added to regular responsibilities, doctor and PT appts.


Unevent. Went well. Very proud of Muirgheal and the Barony. Great to see and feel the familial support as well from Melisent.

20th Anniversary. Great dinner with wonderful and funny friends. Thank you for celebrating our wonderful years with a fantastic night.

More training at the hospital...finally finished up. Back to the grind to catch up on other duties for a few weeks before move in.

Cell phone does not work at the hospital...errr.

Christmas. Uncharacteristically low key. How soothing. No tree. Just family time and gifting. I love my family.


Dial up for hospital move. Everyone stressed. Ten to fourteen hour days. Monkeys flinging poo.

Beach weekend. Three couples. Relaxed and fun. No ptessures. Smiles and laughter. Awesome.

Gave up cane as it was hurting my "good leg." Prefer to just limp carefully!

Moving day(s)last week. Seventy patients moved on Thursday. Twenty one criticals moved on Friday. Clinical support duty on Saturday. Went well. First Code Blue with great results. Staff stressed by change. 70 hour work week...admin/support stressed by hours and being supportive.

Begin to trade around a couple of viruses. Vaso-vagal reaction at PT. Scared all of us. Worked anyway. Zofran is a wonder drug.

Twenty staff trained in ACLS. Figured out why I have had so little email....server address incorrect for alias.

February weekends



Formal-Christie (Sunday after move week was the shopping extravaganza...dress, jewelry, shoes and makeup found in one day...killer but get it done while you can!)

Looking forward to a little normality but my new co-worker has decided to return to the emergency room. Going to be hard on us but you got to follow your heart spending this many hours in a job.

See you at Ymir. If I can leave the jacuzzi suite!

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