August 1
2005-08-01 - 7:23 a.m.

August is always an interesting time...this year even more so. Major part of internship is just two days a week of staff duty to precept one of them in clinicals for a few weeks. Have a lot of projects still at work. The routine is still there plus more computer access classes to teach, JCAHO to prep and survive and the looming orientation to and move over to the new Heart Hospital. For each of these, I play Scarlette and think of them in turn as I can. Together they are too much.

Got a lot done this weekend. Saturday was as much about rest as it was filing. Sunday worked on a few issues and the related tasks but also got to see "Must Love Dogs." Cute movie but the rhythm seemed odd in places. Still, we got to go as a family and those times are precious.

Chris has school scheduling/pictures today. She is excited and we worked on just the right outfit. She has been working on her AP English paper too. She is starting AP as a's hoping she enjoys them and she has a good rapport with her teacher. This is a big year for her. High School on her own. She has always had Kate blaze the way. Kate in her quiet confidence allows Christie to bubble along concentrating on helping others adjust. It will be good for her even if a bit scarey.

Two weeks and Kate will be eighteen and already off at school. Hard to believe but it is here.

The girls have been a constant source of joy and awe for us. From the surprise of knowing they were on the way to the anxiety of remembering all the other their births, hospitalizations and triumphs...through the cute "Susy Lou Who" days of blonde hair, big blue eyes and charming toddler speak. The growing years with every day a new experience, emotion, knowledge. Now we have two intelligent, witty young women in our home. Exploring opinions and goals of their own...stretching the boundary of who they are vs who came before.

Les and I find ourselves caught between the past and the future with very little left of the present. It is an emotion and thought provoking time.

Even now in our forties, we can remember that time in our own in our innocense that all would be well, excited over the possibilities and just a bit anxious.

I wish with all my heart I could share these feelings with my Mom...or his Mom. They would understand and be revisiting much of the same things. I forget sometimes how much I miss them and the security of having a generation of women older than ourselves.

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