Family Fun
2004-06-20 - 10:45 p.m.

So, last week was "interesting" with a surprise inspection at work that occupied most of my Wed-Thurs-Fri and the trip to Virginia for which to prepare.

Thursday we packed 90% of our things and work settled just in time for Les to be able to pick me up just prior to the other teens. Off we went with us four + two. It really wasn't a bad trip...they listened to CDs or the portable DVD player that Gwen brought most of the way.

We stopped for pillows at JRs...we both forgot to pack them and I was glad for them as I slept poorly at the hotel. Had dinner at that stop as well and got to the hotel before 11pm. The hotel was a pleasant surprise with a bedroom-bath for the girls and a similar suite for us with a living room-kitchenette between the two. Lots of space which is just the thing when you have that many teen age girls in one hotel room.

We had brought a mountain of brownies for a little arrival treat and a travel friendly "cake." Christie's birthday is actually this coming Saturday but we will not be able to celebrate it til we get back to the hotel late after the event.

As I said, I slept fitfully so I was happy to only have to get ready for the buffet breakfast downstairs and not to go to the park. As I told Byram, why would I CHOOSE to be driven to a pinacle and then dropped or swung into a curve with the sensation of leaving the track? I get those sensations just driving on the interstate if the bridge is too high or curved...Off they all went while I relaxed with a book, a work project and then ironed outfits for our dinner out.

At one point Les called to say they were waiting on the "Volcano" where they would be thrust into the air at 5Gs. I asked how many of my Sheltons were going on the ride...not that reassuring to realize I was only going to risk Christie on that one!

Before I knew it they were home and we got ready to go to the "meat faucet" introduced to me by Fred and Byram. I knew Les would really like it and as this was Father's Day weekend I wanted it to be special for him too. The girls enjoyed themselves tremendously at the Brazillian Grill and ate an impressive amount of grilled meat and pineapple. We enjoyed the adult company as we had spent much of the weekend with the girls. The conversation led to many raised eyebrows and chuckles. We were able to drop off a housewarming present for Kim and BdeB so they can have cool ones out on the deck in our honor.

Sunday we enjoyed sleeping in. I got my typical hour of Sunday SCA calls in so when we got home at 7 we could relax.

This week is more project work...ToC with the TIC-ToC, Seneschal paperwork and work program kickoff...not much of a vacation for some but for me it will feel good to have things done.

See you in Elvegast....we will miss you if we do not.

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