Flame-thrower Cake
2004-06-10 - 9:55 a.m.

Well, last night was Les's birthday. I had made an appointment so when I got home I asked the girls if they wanted to make him a nice candlelit dinner...they jumped right on it and set the table with our wedding china and Kate scurried around making a menu from stuff on hand. She came up with saute of perch with wine and cream sauce, wilted spinach and grilled onions and mushrooms.

I came home from my meeting with cake, candles and ice cream. We covered the cake (we almost ran out of room) and lit the candles....the heat radiating from the cake was very toasty and we called to Les to come blow it out before the smoke alarm went off. Kate said, "Look, it is sucking all the oxygen out of the center of the cake," and sure enough the flames were bending inward. He managed to blow them all out with all our eyebrows still intact but by then the icing had melted on top so that the Happy Birthday, Les was a sea of smeared blue and white...

I guess 44 candles exceeds the heat limitations of Publix frosting!


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