Waxing and Waning of the Years
2003-12-31 - 9:18 a.m.

Well, New Years Eve...what did 2003 teach?

We started the year hopeful that 2003 would be warm and comforting and allow us healing time from grief...blessed with loving family, great friends, supportive jobs and wonderful hobbies we have made significant inroads.

That introspection allowed for significant spiritual growth and re-examination of goals. We realized the strength of who we are. We began to refocus some energy on our home and on us four and found that in focusing there was even more energy available.

SCA brought many happy moments...laughter with friends-warm visits or happy phone conversations. Any number of SCA cartrips, several to events to witness peerage ceremonies for extremely worthy candidates.

The year brought the realizaton that our daughters truly are young women. This year marked real changes in their understanding of themselves and our understanding of our relationship with them. It is particularly poignant to reflect on the eighteen months we have left until Katie is college age. The sands of time really do run too swiftly to hold on to them.

This fall brought more opportunities for service. I do not write about being Seneschal as this is not often the place for those communications but the job has been intellectually challenging and therefore equally rewarding. The best part has been being able to see first hand again all the effort that so many put into making the SCA an inviting, successful organization for other people. We attract some extremely creative, competent and caring people.

So tomorrow begins 2004. The SCA tournament season will gear up...we will work our way through and take breathers with friends and family. I will look forward to the respite of summer before gearing up for new nurses in July. In the fall, Christie will start High School, Katie will start her senior year and I will turn 45. At work we will be gearing up for our move into our new hospital building in 2005.

The New Year looks bright and promising..full of new growth and experiences. What a great life.

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