A Full Weekend and a Full Life
2003-12-08 - 9:14 a.m.

Well, someone told me recently that I never update but I have been...busy.

So this weekend was Unevent. Hindscroft did a bang up job and shall I just shamelessly say, "I love Ceridwen," who just made the day peachy for all of us. The day was long and I met a million people...well maybe not but it felt like it. I was really impressed with the earnest effort and devotion our members put into the SCA.

But that was Saturday and what is even more important to this woman is Sunday...our eighteenth anniversary. We spent it sleeping in then having a wild business lunch complete with laughter then driving home and finishing up with some emails!

But this is eighteen not one so that seems just fine. Les did surprise me with my gift that morning which he had transported to NC. Love that man.

So, eighteen seems long when you look back but not when you are living it. I started thinking back to each year and decided to record my thoughts as memory is already dimming for some years.

Dec 7, 1985 We get married at two o'clock in a beautiful service with hundreds of guests and sixteen adult attendants (Johanna was one of them). We honeymoon in Cancun.

1986 I realize how happy I am in being married and the contrast is too great with work so I change hospitals and fields of nursing: cardiac to L&D. Quite a switch but right for that point in my life. Les joins the SCA.

1987 By this time we have lost two pregancies so when we finally realize Katie is coming along it is a bit of a surprise. More surprises when she decides to come early while Les is at Pennsic. I play at the SCA but have no real time for it.

1988 We buy our first home and then buy Chadford (our Sheltie) for Katie's first birthday.

1989 I join the SCA and I believe get my first job as herald. We travel and play a lot. We miscarry again. Dad's first lung surgery is not cancer.

1990 Back to cardiac nursing. Mom develops viral encephalitis but survives that only to develop ischemic heart failure. Christie is born. Dad is diagnosed with lung cancer.

1991 The year of chemo and radiation. Every three weeks I work three days and spend four in Charleston with my parents. Les takes videos of our daughters growing up.

1992 Daddy dies and I learn the meaning of grief and depression. It also teaches me the strength and depth of my husband.

1993 My mother dies on Les's birthday. We are savvy to the process now and do a bit better. I am co-executor of the estate. I will not do that to our children. Katie starts school.

1994 Full time wife, mother, nurse. Part time SCA officer, executor, home repair. Working at Katie's school when I can.

1995 Christie starts shool. Exchequer instead of herald. SCA is a big part of our lives. Les recovers from basal cell. We start travelling more in the SCA.

1996 Les develops seizure disorder, cannot drive for six months and stops SCA fighting. We are becoming coping experts. Regional Seneschal. Co-Leader for Girl Scouts.

1997 Les has second seizure and begins chronic medical therapy. We all are affected by the changes in his life. More lessons in trust and coping. Troop leader for Girl Scouts.

1998 Les comes back more fully to the SCA. We have grown into an effective event autocrat-cook team. We meet Stephan and Cym

1999 The year of Royal Retainer :-) more importantly, the year of deep friendship and sisterhood. I become a Peer. I am conflicted that Les is not first. I have two Girl Scout troops.

2000 The SCA Peerage first year...chock full of learning and mentoring. I injure my back and begin the three year process of recovery. I learn that Chronic Pain and Neuropathy are really good teachers of patience. I have two Girl Scout troops and it is too much. I have to give up something important to the girls.

2001 I leave staff nursing for my present teaching and support role. Les receives his Laurel. His recognition is very important to me. We decide to be our own SCA house. I visit California. We find out Les's Mom has cancer. We hope we are in the right percentage group. We learn to give them their privacy as they deal with this. Cym moves to Germany. I autocrat three events in one year. Give up Baronial and Kingdom office.

2002 We travel as Les teaches and MoLs. I develop and mature a sistership with Nia. Leslie's mother dies and I learn you can miss a mother-in-law as much as a mother. I miss SCA service.

2003 Les becomes a Pelican. I have no idea how much it would mean to me until that moment. Our family is there, our dear friends in the Order are there, Their Majesties make it perfect. Katie becomes Youth Minister and gets her Opal and AoA. I become Kingdom Seneschal.

It has been a full life...no wonder we have grey hair!

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� dameanne 2001-2002
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