Online vs On the Line
2003-05-29 - 8:22 p.m.

I am the first to say that this diary has helped me connect with folks on a deeper level....I live so far away from most I would likely lose friendships without it. However being online is not the same as being "on the line."

When we write here it is little more than a more global, prettier email. We cannot know that we convey our thoughts well. Naming it "Diaryland" or "LiveJouranl" only gives us the false illusion that these are our private thoughts...if they were they would be locked and for our own eyes only.

Let me "confess." I am pretty open on this journal about many things but let me tell you....these are the thoughts I CHOOSE to make public. I also religiously check who has listed me on their buddy list....some kind of wierd affirmation thing I guess.

So in other words I know what I write hear is read by some and sometimes by a number of folk, those I know and trust and some who may not be in either category.

I choose to try not to be hurtful. I hurt when I read something that I suspect is meant to defame or inflame. I regret the effort spent to write seems not to translate into an attempt at conciliation or reconciliations

So, instead of going online the next time a friend is hurt or angry or frustrated, would you at least consider getting "on the line" and calling the person on the phone? At least that way you also get tone to help in judging meaning....

I could be way off base here but then, I have a LOT of cell phone monthly minutes!

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